Its that time of year again when all I seem to want to do is curl up in front of the fire (newly adorned with designer stockings - thanks Mom!) and watch Christmas movies while snacking - continuously alternating between my two favourite food groups: chocolate and cheese. While i've never really thought of myself as a cheese connoisseur (just because you
really like something doesn't make you an expert) you could say I'm a pretty dedicated appreciator. A recent work assignment took me to the east end neighbourhood of Leslieville (one of my favourite not-quite gentrified 'hoods with the perfect mix of upscale independent coffee shops, rough around the edges locals, and vintage antique stores) for an evening Wine and Cheese class at the
Leslieville Cheese Market. While I was strictly there on business I was invited to indulge in a smorgasbord of gourmet cheeses and wines that I usually can't even contemplate purchasing as they are outside of my $7.50-$13.00 price range. The cheese night school classes, taught by resident
fromage fanatic Julia Rogers, include tasty tutorials on the finer points of pairing. I would invite any foodies (or cheese loving individuals like myself) to spend an evening at the popular cheese emporium (there is also a second market in the west-end, confusingly called the Leslieville Cheese Market aswell) to partake in one of these delectable classes.