June 15, 2010

flea market

Two Saturdays ago my boyfriend and I found ourselves at a (rather intimate) flea market.

We were invited by the fellows playing music in the third photo (20th Century Boys - listen here). They are both very sweet, play with great energy, and have cool post-punk fashion.

The flea market itself offered an eclectic assortment of vintage goods (for cheap!) hosted by stylish, young Koreans munching on McDonalds fries. Everyone was very friendly, the sun was shining, and it was a lovely time all around.

I wish I had taken more pictures, however there are lots to look at here.


  1. wow ya thats real intimate!
    looks cute though! love thrift!

  2. hi! i really like your blog, great photos and tips! i spent three months in seoul last autumn and now coming back for two months in july. can't wait! ^___^
