June 10, 2010

mixed tape

Some pictures I took outside a cafe/gallery in Itaewon. I liked their window coverings.

I'm also a fan of Japanese masking tape company mt. Lucky for me, their colourful tapes are abundantly available in Korea.

Along with pretty tape, they're coming out with a new line of wrapping paper. See some cute wrap ideas over here - I love the donuts (and the 'wrap only myself' heading).


  1. I love those mt tapes too! I bought similar ones made in Korea during my Seoul trip...They are so pretty that I just can't stop myself from getting them :o

  2. Those look delicious!!!! Cute bag!

  3. I will be in Seoul next month and I am too a mt tapes's lover. Could you please let me know where can I find them in Seoul? thanks a lot!
